Friday, December 5, 2008

Where Did the Money Really Come From?

So there have been a lot of attacks on the "Mormon" church with respect to their involvement in the passage of prop 8. There has also been allegations of more money coming from out-of-state than in state. The analytical part of my brain doesn't take what people say as fact... I want to see the numbers/evidence. Here are the hard numbers:

The amounts contributed to both sides were very high. It is reasonable for critics to question why their greater contributions to defeat Proposition 8 didn't carry the vote as they expected, but to imply that the participation of Latter-day Saint citizens—most of whom were California residents—was improper is inappropriate. Such an accusation is an exercise in empowering a straw man of their own creation.

For Proposition 8
In-State Donations $25,388,955
Out-of-State Donations $10,733,582
Total Donations $36,122,538

Against Proposition 8
In-State Donations $26,464,589
Out-of-State Donations $11,968,285
Total Donations $38,432,873

In-State Donations $51,853,544
Out-of-State Donations $22,701,867
Total Donations $74,555,411
Tracking the money, Los Angeles Times

Note that out-of-state contributions to the "No" side were over $1.2 million higher than the out-of-state contributions to the "Yes" side and that out-of-state contributions to the "No" side constituted a higher percentage of the overall "No" funding than out-of-state contributions did for the "Yes" side.

There have been various estimates of monies donated to the "Yes on 8" campaign by LDS Church members, ranging from $14 to $20 million. No firm figures are available because the State of California does not request or record the religion of donors.

You can read the entire article here.


Anonymous said...

This is good stuff. Very important information for anyone who claims that Prop 8 won because of Mormons. If it's donations that can be credited for the win, then obviously numbers suggest that No on 8 should have won.

G. said...

great info, thanks. just started blogging today about this subject.

Frank said...

Hey, Heather, when do I get to vote on your marriage?

Heather said...


Did you vote on proposition 8?