Monday, November 3, 2008

Only *two* more days...

Hi everyone! Will you all be as glad as I am when this election is over?! My energy is waning, but I am super excited for the next two days to go wave signs on busy streetcorners, hang more reminders on doorknobs, and help get more votes at the polling places!

Check out The Hedgehog Blog... there is great information here about Proposition 8!

My favorite article is:

Proposition 8 and California's Schoolchildren: A Primer on Falsehoods

"Perhaps the most hotly-debated question about Proposition 8 is the measure's impact on schoolchildren. If Proposition 8 fails, will young children be taught that same-sex marriage is equal to traditional marriage? Opponents of Prop 8 have adamantly -- and falsely -- claimed this will not happen.The fact is, Prop 8's leading opponents have been very public for a long time about their goal of teaching schoolchildren about gender orientation at very young ages. What is worse, they have openly promoted strategies for overcoming or circumventing parental objections to such teaching. It is foolish to believe they will not use the same approach to teaching children about same-sex marriage."

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