Wednesday, October 8, 2008

California power company opposing marriage amendment!

On behalf of pro-family California citizens, Focus on the Family Action is launching this California Citizen Petition to PG&E and state leaders objecting to PG&E’s open advocacy of homosexual marriage by its opposition of Prop. 8.

Some more info from Focus on the Family Action:

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), the largest investor-owned power company in California, has just donated $250,000 to defeat Prop. 8 (this November’s marriage amendment ballot initiative). As a public utility that services more than 15 million Californians, PG&E has no place siding with the homosexual agenda and against the views of millions of pro-family Californians in this effort to restore the traditional definition of marriage in the Golden State. Even worse, PG&E is also spearheading a move to rally other California businesses to jump aboard its anti-family bandwagon.


Heather said...

Interestingly enough, PG&E is not northern California's only choice for gas. (Unfortunately it is for electricity, but not gas.) So maybe those in northern California could show their outrage by exercising their right to chose the other company. It's time to stand up for what is right and, most importantly, support those who stand up for what is right.

Anonymous said...

I'm boycotting McDonald's for the same reason. What were they thinking coming out against an issue that half of the state or more supports? I hope they all lose business, though with the power company, it's not like we have a choice.

CaliforniaCrusader said...

Did you hear about the California Teacher's Association? They gave $250,000 to the No on 8 campaign. As a public school teacher I am outraged that they are spending my money on something I oppose on moral grounds.